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random musings of a crazy cat lady

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Swim Class

I signed up for a swim class. It starts tomorrow and is twice a week for two months. It's geared towards people like me, who want to improve their freestyle technique and learn or improve butterfly, backstroke and breaststroke . In theory, after taking this class I will be ready to participate in the Masters' Swim program at my gym, which meets practically every day, is free, and takes over the pool at prime time (6-7 PM). I've been trying to find a replacement activity now that I'm not playing soccer. Ideally, it would force me to work out harder than I do on my own, and maybe help me meet new people, and it wouldn't be hard on my knee. Masters' Swim may fit the bill. There's nothing like a little bit of competition to get me to work my ass off, and everyone seems to sit around in the hot tub for a long time afterwards and talk, so it looks pretty fun. Also, there are hot swimmer dudes for me to ogle. But even if I'm not ready for Masters' Swim once the class if over, I think it will be useful for me.

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