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random musings of a crazy cat lady

Saturday, May 8, 2010

packing up the really valuable stuff

That's right, I packed up my perfumes and a lot of the bath stuff/toiletries today.  Any remaining illusions of being a minimalist were summarily banished.  Heaven forbid I throw away any of my half full bottles of bubble bath or perfumes!  Oh no, the horrors!  Leave a whole set of dishes for my dad - no problem!  Give away clothes and shoes - no worries, dude.
It's crazy, but there is some reason to it.  I'm not going to rush out and replace those dishes, and those clothes are out of style and/or don't fit, but I sure would replace those bath products in no time flat.
I have started interspersing my packing days with day trips.  It's too boring otherwise, and I waste a lot of time goofing off on the internet.  I went to Monterey yesterday and walked along the ocean for about five hours.  It was very, very nice.  I saw a lot of seals and sea lions.  It was about 65F and there was a little bit of wind, so it was good walking weather.  The iceplant was in full bloom.  It doesn't have much of a scent, but when whole embankments of it are covered in flowers, it does give off a slightly almond-like odor. 
It was the first time I've been to Monterey since T broke up with me.  I avoided it for a while, because of all the memories, as well as the possibility that I might run into him down there.  Anyway, it was ok.  There were some memories, of course, but I walked the sadness into submission and felt much better.

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